Monday, November 28, 2005

'Tis the Season for.... Appointments!

It seems to always be the 'season' around here, for appointments that is, but I am so grateful we have the means to get such expert help for Judah!

Friday, Dec. 2nd, Judah will see his pediatrician for a pre-op. physical. He has to receive one of these every time he goes under anesthesia just to make sure he's healthy enough to "go under". (This will be the sixth time he's been under anesthesia since his birth.) Typically, my attitude has been that these physicals are just a fomality, but with how frequently he and Tucker have been sick lately, I'm hoping he'll "pass" the physical and be healthy enough to go under anesthesia.

He is going under anesthesia for another EUA for his eyes on Friday, Dec. 9th. This is a routine check with the potential for surgery on one or both eyes depending on what the Dr. finds when he checks Judah's eyes.

Additionally, I am taking Judah to see a new specialist on Monday, Dec. 5th. Our neurologist recommended we see a interventional radiologist, Dr. Sally Mitchell, for some input re: the potential complications of Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome which Judah may have given the involvement of his port wine stain on his limbs.

While taking Judah to many doctors is becoming just a way of life for us, it still can present many ongoing temptations that would be "common to man", the short list being: anxiety, anger and grumbling. Please help me fight these temptations by praying for the Holy Spirit to remind me of God's truth that He is for me and my family and that He works all things together for our good and His glory, and that He'd give grace to do all things without complaining or arguing.

Please pray that:
  • Judah will be healthy to undergo anesthesia on Dec. 9th
  • Both of Judah's eyes will be fine and not require any further surgery.
  • God will give wisdom to Dr. Mitchell re: the related syndrome, KT, that may be affecting Judah as well as the Sturge-Weber.
  • I will be thorough and ask good questions of Dr. Mitchell and be able to absorb all the information and recommendations Dr. Mitchell may present to me at our initial consultation on Dec. 5th.
  • I will be mindful and faithful with the opportunities these appointments afford us to be ministers of the gospel, particularly at this time of year.

Please thank God with us that:

  • Judah is currently healthy (we think...he's running a low grade fever this morning, but nothing alarming yet)
  • Judah and Tucker were both healthy over the Thanksgiving holiday, and we were able to make our planned trip to Pennsylvania to spend time w/ Briana's family.
  • So many of the specialists we need to see are all at Hopkins, right in our backyard!

With all there is to be thinking about and preparing for this time of the year, we are really grateful for your thoughts and prayers on our behalf!!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Blistered and Bruised

Thank you to all who prayed for us on Friday. I didn't realize how anxious I really was about this last treatment until Friday morning. Mercifully, God provided through my friend, Kate, who came early to the house to help me get the numbing cream on Judah's face. I seem to forget with each treatment that I can't apply the cream by myself. Each time I think I can do it by myself; each time God provides a friend to help me, and I am always grateful.

Once applied, Judah left the cream alone pretty well. We saw Dr. Cohen at 11 a.m., and the treatment itself went quickly, only 4 minutes. Four minutes feels like an eternity, however, when having to hold him down and listen to him scream at the top of his lungs as if being tortured. I resolved to sing to my son to bring him comfort no matter what the doctor might have thought. Ironically, our dermatogist is Jewish, I believe, and I was singing, "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "The Gospel Song". My first priority is to comfort my son, but I am always mindful of the witnessing opportunities these appointments are as well, thanks to the encouragement of another faithful friend, Karen Coleman.

We (mostly mommy) terribly missed the nurse, Judy, who is no longer with Dr. Cohen, but are asking God and trusting Him to supply someone as comforting and helpful as she was for future treatments. Judah bruised and blistered quite a bit with this treatment, but we're trusting that will mean a greater impact on the swelling and overall appearance of the Port wine stain.

That same afternoon, I made a "sick visit" to our pediatrician for the boys' colds. Judah was having to get nebulizer treatments all last week, and I wanted to check with her to see if she wanted him to go on a steroid again. She prescribed a steroid for him, but different from the one he had been given with his last three asthma "episodes". The steroid she prescribed for him now will not help immediately, but rather over a period of time as I will give it to him daily. It will not be systemic like the other one, but only take the medicine directly to his lungs where he needs it. This steroid will not have the negative side effects like the other one does. We're hoping this will work and keep Judah from having any more asthma attacks. As an aside, Tucker has had diarrhea for four days now as well and has a horrible diaper rash as a result.

This week, we are scheduled for a regular 15 month checkup at the pediatrician. The boys are supposed to be getting shots at this appointment.

Please pray that:

  • God would provide a nurse to assist Dr. Cohen who would be as comforting and helpful as Judy, his previous nurse, was.
  • God would mercifully and completely heal the boys of all infections, viruses, rashes, etc.
  • Our 15 month checkup would go smoothly: the boys would be able to get their shots without any strange reactions to them, all their "stats." would fall within the range of 'normal' (Judah's head circumference, mainly), and God would grace me to reflect His image to our pediatrician and her staff who is now very well acquainted with our family, our circumstances and our trust in God.
  • there are lots of our little friends who are also sick with colds, fevers, diarrhea, etc. Please pray for God's protection of these little ones and God's merciful healing to rain down on the babies at Chesapeake. And, pray for the mommies, too. Caring for sick kids is very tiring!

Please thank God with us that:

  • Judah was able to have this last laser treatment.
  • God always provides friends and family to help with the practical needs we have in caring for the boys.
  • God continues to sustain Judah and Tucker through all these illnesses and hardships.

Remaining desperate for the Lord, Briana :)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Laser Treatments Resumed!

This Friday, November 11th, at 11 a.m., Judah will have a laser treatment on his face. He has gone a couple of months without a treatment, and I recently found out that the laser nurse, Judy, who we absolutely adore and who makes our visits as happy as possible, is no longer working at the clinic. I am very disappointed about this, but must choose to trust God even in these small details. He is Sovereign, and He is good.

Please pray that:
  • We will be able to have the entire front of his face and his one ear lasered. (This is more than I think Dr. Cohen is typically comfortable doing on the "little guys". But with the extensive nature of Judah's PWS, I'm hoping he'll make an exception).
  • This treatment will have a significant, positive impact on the darkening and swelling I feel is already occurring on Judah's face, particularly his right eye lid and the bridge of his nose.
  • The nurse replacing Judy will be as kid friendly and helpful as Judy was.
  • I will be able to skillfully and without much interference from Judah apply the numbing cream two hours prior to his treatment.
  • Judah will leave the numbing cream alone on his face until he has the treatment.
  • Judah would already sense the nearness and goodness of God through these "traumatic events", and that God would use them to draw Judah to Himself.
  • God would heal Judah completely.

Thanks for your prayers!

Friday, November 04, 2005


I haven't been good about posting on Monday's; forgive me. I'm thinking it hasn't made much of a difference, though, as I'm unsure just how many people actually keep up with this blog anyway. For those of you who do check, here is the update to Judah's last eye appointment.

Dr. Abrams felt comfortable allowing us to postpone Judah's EUA (evaluation under anesthesia) until December. I will let you know when that's coming up. Also, she said his vision looks good; the prescription remained the same since the last visit which is a good sign. She's pleased that we've been able to patch his eye up to two hours a day and wants us to continue with that.
She doesn't think he needs a lid lift surgery at this time, which is another answer to prayer!!

Overall, the news was all we were hoping to hear. Those are great Dr's visits and always serve to remind me of the lovingkindness of our God, that He hears and answers our prayers.

Also, for those of you who were praying for Judah and Tucker's colds, THANK YOU! Judah did suffer from asthma again with his cold, but God preserved him albeit through several days of steroids and nebulizer treatments. Again and again, we are given opportunities through Judah's health issues to trust God, to be reminded that He is the One who gives us our every breath and His goodness and mercy are following us all the days of our lives.

Thanks to all of you who are walking with us on this journey with Judah!