Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Fishing Expedition

"You get a line, I get a pole

We'll go fishin' in the crawfish hole...." (lyrics from Little Big Town's "Boondocks", see video here)
The boys had their first fishing experience with their Papi yesterday. LA has been looking forward to this since before they were born. Behind the tears of having just been stabbed by the fish, Judah is having the time of his life. Tucker and Judah caught 6 fish each!!!
"Props" to the Neumann's who so kindly stock their pond extended an open invitation to our family to fish from it and to Vince, a co-worker of my hubby's. whose fond memories of fishing with his dad motivated him to help LA teach our boys how it's done. His fishing expertise played an integral part in making the boys' first fishing experience such a success.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mother's Day, 2009

These are a little late, but without having a digital camera, it takes me a while to get pictures developed, uploaded onto my computer and then finally onto the blog. I know; we live in the "dark ages" here. One day, we'll have a digital camera, God willing.

Lawrence did really well with the kids this year (with a few reminders and I think only one, more heated discussion about the upcoming Mother's Day). He surprised me with his creativity and I was very blessed by what he put together to honor me on Mother's Day.

More significantly, this year I was sincerely able to wrestle down my heart that, in its pride, thinks I should be honored, have the day off and be pampered with all the earthly pleasures that delight my fancy. While it is not wrong to be honored, have the day off or be pampered, it is wrong to consider oneself deserving of these things and demand them. Instead, benefitting from the prayers and accountability of a friend, I was able to honor my Mother in law this year by making her dinner and seeking to honor her on Mother's day.

Sadly, yet in typical child-like fashion, I forgot to even call my own mother. Oh, what a hypocrit I can be...demand something from my own children (who are 4,4 and 2) that I didn't even give it to my own mother when I am how old? My mother was very gracious when I did finally call her a day or two later. I want to be like her when I grow up! :)

Enjoy these pics. of what my hubby/kiddos did for me this Mother's Day.

Our time at the "Beach"

The day after tax day, April 16th, my hubby took the day off (a much needed day off for all of us). We took the kids to a local park that had a beach head. We had the beach mostly to ourselves. It was a brisk, but beautiful sunny day. In fact, it was the only sunny day that entire week. And, our kids were actually sick the days before and after this day off. But, for this day, God seemed to have suspended all woes for us and gave us a wonderful family day together.
Here is a slideshow of our time together at the beach.