Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trunk or Treat, 2010

Our church hosted a Trunk or Treat for the community. Many of the caregroups within our church put together a themed car, even donning costumes to go along with the theme. Our caregroup chose to do the Lego theme. The physical and mental collaboration was a bonding experience for sure.

Other themes included the Amazon, camping, Disney princesses, music through the decades, Pokemon, Toy Story, Alice in Wonderland, a farm complete with live goats and chickens and my personal favorite, a science oriented one. I think I liked this one the most on behalf of my academically inclined boys. Right now, Tucker especially is really into tornadoes. He wants to read books about tornadoes, watch Youtube videos about tornadoes, draw tornadoes. He even calls Bugles (the popular chip like snack) a tornado snack. :) The science crew had something at their spot that created a miniature tornado in a soda bottle. It was rather cool.

So, here is a slideshow from our evening. I didn't ask permission from everyone of whom I took pictures if I could post it online. So, if you happen to view these photos, are in them and don't want to be, please let me know. I'll be sure to take the photo offline.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Family Fun

Apart from the days growing shorter, I LOVE the fall. I love the leaves turning colors. I love pulling out hoodie sweatshirts and jeans after having to bear my flesh all summer in shorts and tank tops. I love fall food: apples, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and all things smothered in cinnamon. I love the crisp air, the leaf "storms" as the winds change. I love football, especially when the Steelers play. And, most of all I LOVE taking hikes with my family.

With all the pests that normally irritate and ruin a hike gone for the season, a hike in the crisp, autumn air does wonders for my pysche. Before our kids were even born, Lawrence and I would often take any free time we had to hike and/or run together. We'd talk then about one day making it a hallmark of our family time. And, now we're doing it. I'm grateful that my hubby's made a point of getting us all out of the house the last several weekends to enjoy a fall hike together.

Click on the slideshow below to enjoy some pictures I captured from this weekend's hike.
*There are also pictures from pumpkin carving Lawrence did with the kids, a day in the life of homeschool at the Almengor's and our caregroup preparing for an upcoming outreach event at our church called, "Trunk or Treat". Enjoy.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My little runners

Bel Air parks and rec. holds a racing series for children up to age 12 every fall. The boys participated in the "under 5" category last year, and this year, all three of my kiddos ran. Bella, age 3, ran 1/4 mile! The boys were bumped up this year to the "under 12" category and ran 1/2 mile!

Bella cried and walked the entire 1/4 mile. But, she finished. And, I commended her like crazy. We put her in the race because she runs all the time at home and is fast. We really thought she'd enjoy it and do well. What were we thinking?! :) Nevertheless, we want to instill in our kids that non participation is really not an option once we've committed to doing something. And, our kids need a little coaxing at times. It's a 3 race series, so I'm hoping Bella will figure out this is fun and possibly get "most improved" by the end of the series.

Lawrence ran with the boys for their 1/2 mile, and while they came in last and second to last place, they ran the entire thing. Again, I commended them like crazy. I was so proud of their good attitudes and perseverance. A far cry from how they did last year. I believe I even heard, "That was fun" come out of one of their mouths. :)

attentively listening to instructions

at the start line

almost to the finish!