Thursday, March 08, 2007

Not What We Expected

We took Bella to the pulmonologist today who is the same doctor the boys saw when they were babies. I expected that, given our history with the boys, the doctor would comfortably be able to diagnose Bella with the same thing, perhaps have to do the Barium swallow, perhaps not, give Bella a couple months and trust that she'd grow out of the tracheomalacia. It seemed the doctor was leaning that way at the beginning of the appointment, even giving us a couple months before we had to schedule the barium swallow.

However, as the appointment went on and the doctor continued to hear Bella breathe, counted her breaths, and noted some other observations we've made at home, Dr. Blaisedell felt it would be a good idea to have Bella undergo a sleep study as well as the barium swallow a.s.a.p. In fact, once we agreed to this course of action, she hopped on the phone and made arrangements for Bella to have these things done at the University of MD hospital on Monday!

And, as a "no charge" assessment, the doctor also noted that Bella looked like she had a yeast infection in her mouth. So, on the way home, I called the pediatrician and was able to get presciptions called in for both Bella and me to try to take care of the yeast. I had a chronic yeast infection while breastfeeding the boys, a chronic yeast infection while pregnant with Bella, both times it being very resistant to treatment. So, I am tempted to be anxious about this, but am seeking to continually cast my cares on the Lord, knowing that He cares for me and for Bella.

Lawrence and I are feeling a little "hammered" right now. Circumstances are ripe for mistrusting God's goodness, tension between Lawrence and me, short tempers and inconsistent discipline with the boys, self absorption, self pity, grumbling, and the list could go on. But, as I read from Morning and Evening today, "good people must never expect to escape troubles...".

I also read this in that same devotional and am seeking to find hope and comfort in its truth:

"It is ordained of old that the cross of trouble should be engraved on every vessel of mercy, as the royal mark whereby the King's vessels of honor are distinguished. But although hardship is thus the path of God's children, they have the comfort of knowing that their Master has traversed it before them; they have His presence and sympathy to cheer them, His grace to support them, and His example to teach them how to endure; and when they reach "the kingdom", it will more than make amends for the "many hardships" through which they passed to enter it."

Please pray that:
  • God will continue to strengthen me in my physical body, enabling me to carry out my responsibilities as a wife and mother.
  • God would continue to protect our family from the illnesses that are currently "going around", colds/sinus infections and the dreaded stomach virus.
  • God would provide all that's need for Bella to undergo the tests on Monday: a sitter for the boys, company for me at the hospital, a cooperative baby for the testing, and stamina for me to keep up with the pace.



Anonymous said...

Will be praying! If I can help in any way please let me know.

peg said...

I'm praying for you and yours, my dear, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is not what I expected either! I know your doc is just being thorough, but the tidal wave of emotions that follow these kinds of news. I just want you to have a smooth course. I will pray for your fear, your faith, your strength, and for Christ in you to meet your needs. Jesus, help. Love, Gretchen

Anonymous said...

Will be praying Monday-