Inspired by this post over at one of my favorite blog and book authors, Ann Voskamp, I take the last tray of chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and write straight from my journal, straight from my heart, to you, few readers, these few Spirit-inspired (I trust) words.
What are you thinking?
Through what lens are you interpreting life's circumstances?
Philippians 4:8, 9 tells me to think on things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable.
But life's throwing us some curve balls lately. Life does that, though. We know that by now.
I hit a parked car last Friday at the post office while backing up..a new Dodge Charger. History tells me that parking lots and I don't get along; it also tells me that I need to find the beater cars to park near from now on.
But, Phil 4:8 instructs me to focus on the fact that we have insurance to cover the damages on that lovely red car and give thanks. Yes, Lord...I will do that.
LA's car overheated on his way to work yesterday, and he needed me to drive to the city with a jug of water and coolant mix in order to turn around and drive home with him driving in front of me to ensure he made it home at all. It was raining. Driving in the rain on the highway in the middle of the afternoon=sleepy me. Not my favorite.
But Phil. 4:8,9 instructs me to focus on the fact that I did have the afternoon available to serve my husband this way, and that we have a mechanic who could look at it right away.
LA needed to use my van today to drive to DC leaving me and the kids home bound, something we don't do terribly well.
But, I didn't have any appointments scheduled for today, and it has turned out to be a relaxing day of sleeping in, painting, playing with legos, reading and baking.
The kids are fighting allergies/colds.
But, Bella slept in until 10 a.m. (NEVER happens). Judah felt better after a nebulizer treatment. We have really good vitamins (I know because they taste horrible), and the kids are taking them.
Our offer on a home wasn't accepted.
But, we have a 60, possibly 90 day, rent back to stay in our current home even after this Friday's settlement. And, home inventory is only increasing.
LA and I are having a challenging time working through marriage and church issues.
But God has been faithful, and we continue to draw near to Him and each other---amazing grace!
The insurance company continues to deny coverage of growth hormone for Judah claiming it's medically unnecessary despite the hours of testing he's endured to show clearly that it is indeed medically necessary.
But God has given peace in my heart that He is my son's physician, and I can trust His provision for Judah. Several people have commented recently that he is looking taller, so maybe his body is continuing to grow even if not optimally. I will trust you, Father, for the plan you have for Judah, which your Word says is to prosper him and not to harm him.
Friendships feel strained at times.
But Jesus is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
You are faithful, Father.
You are true.
You have always been with me.
You always will be with me.
Proverbs 12:20 says, "...those who plan peace have joy." and verse 25 says, " Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad."
By your grace, I will "plan peace", Father, and I will look for and declare the "good word" in regard to all the curve balls of life. And there I will find joy and my heart will be glad.