Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Around the breakfast table

A topic of discussion in our home rather frequently is the nutritional value or lack thereof in certain foods or long lists of ingredients passed off as food.

In our home, we are trying to avoid some specific, common ingredients for the sake of our health, especially for my boys who have always had allergies, excema and asthma.

This morning, Judah implored me to buy the grape jelly from Aldi's rather than the "small jar" I usually buy. (That would be the Polaner brand which contains no high fructose corn syrup). I explained to him why I choose what I choose for them to which Tucker replied, "Many things that are not good for us taste really good."

I nodded my head. What could I say? It's true.
After a moment to think, I tried to encourage them that after eating real food for a length of time, our tastes begin to change and we'll start to prefer "real food" over foods that are composed of many chemicals. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Tucker's apt reply, "But we like the taste of chemicals."

And so, the battle continues. :)


krista said...

Ah yes, tis true.
I commend you though for having these conversations.

The challenge for me is to use words that truthfully and adequately explain why some foods are better for our bodies, without giving my daughter "ammunition" to (knowingly or unknowingly) blast others who choose differently. I want her to appreciate natural, healthy foods without a superiority complex. (I want this for myself too.)

Kristen said...

Garrett and I LAUGHED at this! Thanks for sharing!

Zoanna said...

How true it is! I laughed out loud:).

Just tell him that all foods are made up of chemicals (which is true) so he doesn't feel underprivileged:) Kudoes to you for your nutritional teaching at an early age.

Briana Almengor said...

You articulate the dilemna well for me, too. I tell my kids that God has given them me to be their mommy and these are the decisions I am making just for them; it's not the decision that everyone makes for their kids and that's okay; it doesn't make them a bad mommy or daddy. We're all on a journey, right?! Can't ever say I've figured it all out. Most days I don't think I've figured out much of anything except how to survive. I pray most of all, though, that my children will know whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we will do it for God's glory.

Anonymous said...

Krista- I smiled knowing you are having that conversation with your daughter. The other day I was enjoying fellowship but everyone was hung up on 'calories' and 'weight loss'... sometimes (and only sometimes) these conversations seem to triumphs the big picture. The battle of the bulge seems to occupy conversations more-than-not.

Bri- I love reading what my adorable nephews/niece say. How do you keep a straight face and focused??