Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lovin' the Lilacs

Just thought I would post a quick one to let any random reader of my blog know that I'm still here... just have had to make other things a priority. That, AND my family had an amazing opportunity to enjoy a Florida vacation last week!! I hope to post pictures and share some stories from our time soon.

But, for now, I'm enjoying the smell of my neighbor's lilacs wafting through my back, deck door along with a gentle breeze and hope that you are enjoying some beautiful weather where you are, too.


Anonymous said...

i was wondering if you were home. call.........

Jessi said...

Florida!?!? That's awesome!!

Anonymous said...

yay, you are back.

Haven't the days been so nice recently?

FishMama said...

Glad to here that you are alive and well, and tan, I hope.

Anonymous said...

i am enjoying the weather a lot...back in my garden...has been overlooked for awhile...more important things to tend to! gigi

krista said...

Oh, I love the smell of lilacs!
Glad you had some refreshing time in the sunny south!