Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sucking the Thumb

Judah has a habit of sucking his thumb. As he's grown older, it's become something he does only when he's tired or upset about something, usually. On occasion, I'll find him simply zoning out with his thumb in his mouth, especially on a day like today when he's had less sleep than he's needed, his routine has been upset, and he's had 2 of his least favorite kinds of doctor's appointments within the span of 4 days. So, I wasn't surprised to see him with his thumb in his mouth as he watched Thomas the Tank Engine this morning.

Nevertheless, I try to encourage him to take his thumb out of his mouth, letting him know it's not good for his teeth.

This morning, Judah asked again what it will do to his teeth. So, as I explained that his teeth will get pushed out further and further which could make talking correctly and eating more difficult along with other potential problems, he responded with, "...and I'll have to get BRACELETS on my teeth."

Braces, my son, braces.


zz said...

My kids have thought they FEEL like bracelets sometimes. HOw cute!

Anonymous said...

Bracelets are prettier, although, it might look a bit odd on one's teeth.

Jessi said...

Funny! LOL

Kristen said...

how great!

Libby said...

This is funny! I can't wait to hear all the crazy things that Isabel will say. For now, I love reading about the antics of your kiddos!

krista said...

Love it! Braces, bracelets, potAtoe, potAHtoe...

Anonymous said...

you sucked your thumb for a long time and their grandmother even longer. We turned out ok