Friday, January 04, 2008

Some Pictures from Our Holidays!

They look like angels, don't they?

She IS our little angel!

Notice: I AM getting my hair cut and colored this Saturday. As you can see, it's in desperate need.

My brother, Jay, with his new baby girl, Sadie...both in their favorite pose!

Bella looking out for her new cousin...or is she just stealing her nuk?


Beth said...

What a beautiful family! The Lord certainly has blessed you guys. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures!!

I just saw your comment on my booklist post. Here's a little tip you might not know. If you've already renewed a book as much as you're "allowed" you can ask if they'll let you renew it an extra time, and if no one has it on hold, they'll usually let you! I've done that a few times! ;)

Anonymous said...

loved the pics- what a cute crew!


Anonymous said...

I meant to tell you today at the curb that your haircut is really cute.Nice style for you, but then you've got one of those enviable faces that looks good no matter the frame around it!

Your pics are adorable.

Sacha said...

They look like they are about to do something naughty (or they just did) in the first photo!! :) CUTE!

Briana Almengor said... are sweet to say that. I love doing fun, new things w/ my hair. That is probably the one part of "fashion" that I could actually see myself get into if I had the time & money. But, my once a year haircut/color from Bubbles will have to do for now! :)

And, Sasch...likely, they had just done something naughty...but, they are genuinely cute, too.

Jessi said...

Great pics, Bri. We hadn't even heard Jay & Krista had the baby! She's cute...and so much hair!! Hope you guys all had a great family Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Ok, now that we are talking about the hair and past how ridiculously cute your kids are (please tell Judah and Tucker that they WILL come over again!) your hair looks amazing! Very beautiful!!!!!!!