Thursday, November 06, 2008

Do You Have a Heart For Missions?

Well if you do, I want to ask you to jump over to my brother and sister-in-law's blog to find out about their upcoming adventure to the Ukraine. My brother, Garrett, and his wife, Kristen, are currently raising support to do a 2-3 year stint to the Ukraine. They love Christ and have a passion for overseas missions, particularly church planting ventures. They are currently at 93% of their needed monthly support. If you want to learn more about them and their journey to the Ukraine, please visit their blog:


Suzanne said...

Our Senior Pastor's brother-in-law and family are in Ukraine with Campus Crusade for Christ. He's been there for many years.

Debbie said...

Wow. Your family is very inspiring. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your is great.

Carrie said...

How great! My brother and his wife are going to Rwanda next year for a 3-5 year mission. I'll have to point them toward your brother's blog.