For months, a nasty stomach virus has been making its way through the homes of many of the friends around us while we've gone untouched...until last night! Tucker threw up twice which wasn't all that bad compared to some of the stories I've heard from others. I don't know that he's in the clear yet as he's complaining that his belly hurts this morning and did not want to eat breakfast. So, I have the little buddy watching videos, carrying a Glad container around with him which he has since learned he needs to aim for if he thinks he's going to "spit out" (as he calls it).
The rest of us are waiting and praying that the "angel of stomach virus" will pass over us if he sees our doorposts sprinkled with bleach. (Forgive me if that's sacreligious; it's just my husband's sense of humor.)
We had a laser treatment scheduled for Judah for tomorrow, but I have cancelled that given the circumstances and potential for him or me to get it. I was really wanting to get him back into a consistent schedule with the treatments as I think they make a big difference when we're able to take him regularly. I am having to trust God's wisdom and timing is best even though I would choose otherwise. I have only to consider the cross, considered foolishness to those who are perishing but to those of us who are being saved, the power of God (I Corinthians 1:18). Here is the very truth we are seeking to celebrate this very weekend (which we will most likely be doing from home this year).
Obviously, we'd appreciate your prayers for our family. It would be great if Tucker was the only one who ends up getting it, but I'm not counting on that. My greatest concern is for the baby. Please pray Bella remains healthy.
We have several doctor's appointments coming up in the next two-three weeks for Judah and Bella. Please pray they are healthy enough to make these appointments (seems funny to ask for health to go to the doctor) :) It can be difficult to re-schedule for some of the specialists we need to see.
Thanks so much for your prayers. Have a great weekend celebrating our Savior's death and resurrection!!
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that! I'll be praying no one else gets sick! When Josh was sick a few weeks ago I prayed and prayed I wouldn't get sick, as last time I got so dehydrated I had to go to the hospital. Thankfully, He allowed me to retain my health. I'll be praying the same for all of you! I'm sure you're running around disinfecting eveything! :)
yuk. I hope you don't get it! We'll pray for you. We're still fighting some upper respiratory stuff or allergies or whatever. I want to visit you or have you over as soon as everything clears up for both of us. How's July 4th..... :)
Just praying for y'all (as u say) on the way to Hershey today. How good to know Jesus, for my realization of how much I am dependent on him for everything grows each day...which is a good thing! I love your family humor, if you can't laugh at vomit what can you laugh at? Once when visiting Dave's family (who were out of town)me, dave, emily & andrew got the virus. I was rushing emily to the bathroom, she threw up on the carpet and promptly fell in it! It was a nightmare. I was so nervous the grandparents would come home to eau de puke. The miracle was Aaron (who was a year old didn't get it, and actually sat on the floor and played with toys). I cannot believe how exhausted you must be, it will be good to get through this "season" and back on a "normal for you" schedule. Have a blessed Easter from home or church. gigi
bri, i've been patiently awaiting your posts only to come to the conclusion that when you don't post, things are probably crazy(er) in your house! we just got done doing the passion play/musical at church & we are all exhausted. plus we had kip & theresa & their 2 kids (our friends who moved to LA for a church plant) in for the week as well. we all kept thinking we'd get that nasty bug being that we were so run down. thankfully it skipped us, but it hit a lot of people in the cast pretty hard. okay, i think i'm monopolizing your blog here. hope tucker feels better soon & that you'll all have a wonderful easter weekend. ps - joy beckwith just had her baby tues, harrison keith. :) ~betheliza
So sorry to hear about that. Paul's got a touch of some bug right now and Joel has a raspy cough. They may be celebrating Resurrection from home, too.
I did LOL when I read about the doorposts sprinkled w/ bleach. Too funny. But ya jsut gotta break out and song, "Nothing but the blood of Jesus." Not even bleach will do.
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